2 Season boards for all 4 seasons
Season boards each are 4 feet tall and 9 inches wide with all 4 seasons.
Cost $50.00
The reverse side
Rectangular welcome sign
Sign is 6 inches long and 13.5 inches wide. Comes with a bow and twine.
Cost $35.00
Circular Welcome to our home
Sign is 12-inch circle sign. Comes with a bow and twine. You can pick your color.
Cost $35.00
Welcome to our Farm
This can be customized for non farm homes.
Sign is 12-inch circle sign. Comes with a bow and twine. You can pick the color of the truck
Cost $75.00
Attachments for welcome to our farm
You will be able to do some unique Months i.e., gone fishing for where I have happy seeded or happy harvest.
Visit on the porch
This was the first sign Gail made and it is on our porch. We can make any size for you and we can change the bottles to coffee or pop containers if desired.
Once we know your size we will be happy to give you a quote.
Welcome Sign
This sign is 9 inches by 48 inches. The board is stained and the welcome letters are painted on. The board has a coat of varnish to seal for weather and then finished with a burlap bow.
Cost $55.00